The European media landscape is diverse and complex, consisting of a wide range of media outlets including newspapers, television, radio, and digital platforms. Each country has its own unique media ecosystem, shaped by its history, culture, and political climate. However, there are also pan-European media outlets and organizations that operate across multiple countries, providing a broader perspective on European news and events.
The media landscape is constantly evolving, with new technologies and changing consumer habits leading to a shift towards digital and online platforms. Within the EU, the freedom of press and expression are protected by the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and media are expected to be impartial and independent.
Below, a list of media projects of various type with a pan-European scope. It contains TV stations, European news and cultural websites, blogs, webcasts and also newspapers. The selection is incomplete and subjective.
ARTE is a public Franco-German TV station with a broad audience in both countries, broadcasting high-quality programs in German and French since 1992. Subtitles are often available in English, Spanish, Polish and Italian. It is a cooperation of ARTE France and ARTE Germany, both owned by their respective country's public TV stations.
Euronews is a mostly privately owned European TV news network broadcasting from Lyon, France. It was founded in 1993. It is proud of being an explicitely neutral voice, which expresses itself e.g. through the famous "No Comment" shows where uncommented video streams of current news events are shown.
Voxeurop was founded in 2014 as a follow-on project to Presseurop and is a cooperative society which translates and publishes Europe-related news articles in many European languages.
EUvsDisinfo is a media monitoring initiative of the "European External Action Service" started in 2015, to monitor the deluge of disinformation directed against Europe which is being produced by authoritarian states and related organisations. It has a very informative website on this subject.
Der Europäische Föderalist is a German/English blog by Dr. Manuel Müller, Senior Research Fellow at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs, covering European affairs.
Euractiv is a pan-European media network focussing on EU affairs, with articles on many specialized political and economic subjects. They are sponsored by or linked to a large number of European organisations.
EUobserver is a non-profit independent online newspaper covering EU affairs. It is not financed by the EU and was established in Brussels in 2000.
The New Federalist is the web magazine of the "Young European Federalists". It contains many articles on current European political affairs.
The Local is located in Sweden and covers European subjects with a team which to a large part consists of expats from the UK. Therefore, in addition to European politics, subjects like Travel or Brexit are important reporting areas.
Although not strictly an European newspaper, the Guardian is an excellent newspaper covering Europe from the UK's perspective. In 2023, they have launced their new digital Europe portal. In contrast to most other newspapers, it has an open access policy to its articles, which is basically financed by regular voluntary donations from its readers. is an english language based European news portal, derived from the famous U.S. based It is owned by Springer, the German media house most famous for its tabloid Bild.
Eurotopic is an European press review service provided by the German Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung (Federal Agency for Civic Education). Opinion pieces from more than 500 newspapers and online magazines are translated into German, English, French, Russian and Turkish.
Europe Talks Back is a podcast with a focus on less prominent European events and discussions.
Europe Calling is a large scale multilingual political webinar on important European issues. Founded by the former Green MEP Sven Giegold, it is now organized as an independent association, with some webinar sessions followed by more than 10'000 participants.